WSC Crush Player Interest Form
Please complete our player interest form if you are interested in joining WSC Crush MLS NEXT for the 2024-25 Season
NorCal Winter OPEN Tryout Window for the 2024-25 Season
May 6 - June 30, 2024:
U8-U14 = 5/6/24 through 6/30/24
U15-U19 = 5/20/24 through 6/30/24
PLEASE Complete the Player Interest form IF your player would like to tryout for WSC Crush based on the NorCal Open Tryout Window dates for each age group listed above:
WSC Crush has teams at all levels:
WSC Crush is a player development club. We look forward to adding highly motivated players to all levels Nor Cal, NPL & MLS NEXT during the Nor Cal Open Tryout Window for the 2024-25 Season.
WSC Crush Mission Statement, "We are a player development club. Our primary purpose is to maximize individual & team potential and bring out the best in ALL players".
Click the WSC Crush Tryouts Button below, fill out the player interest form & we will invite your player to attend an open practice for the Age Group & Playing Level requested during the Open Tryout Window.